
here and now
stare at us
SHOUT to u
celebrate ur life

well. the upcoming events have been updated.
the latest photos will take awhile to come up yeahh. i've been real busy working n schooling n all. so chill yeah haha. ok. take care all.
I wanna thank the cast n crew of  " I DO" i think we did a good job right =) it was great working with all u guys. espescially - bellie ata ben wuiping tzehui danielle brendon charles n everione else. :) thanks guys. we put on a fantastic performance.

- fort minor concert 1st march
- every saturday > service 3 & 5 pm and F.U.E.L at 5 & 7 pm.
- SP CLASS ON 26th FEB and 5th march. :)
Dance and Drama ministry meetings.
26th feb. blue 3/4 - 11 am.
19th  mar. blue 3/4 - 11am
16th april blue 3/4 - 11 am
23rd april blue 3/4 - 11am
30th april blue 3/4 - 11 am
28th may blue 3/4 - 11am
